Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Craftie Bob's 1st Official Post

Today is 2 months sign I signed up to be a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator and Saturday will be 2 months since I officially became one! I figure it is time I do my first Craftie Bob blog post. (oops, I was a little bit late adding this post!)

So what has Craftie Bob been up to for the last 2 months? Well I have had my 1st Open House on July 1st. I believe it went well, with about 10 people stopping by. I did my little spiel about Stampin' Up and why I have come to love it so much and then we did 2 Make & Takes: A "Pick your occasion" Patio Party card and a Patio Party Bookmark:

Sample made with my upline.
(bookmark photos borrowed from Susannah M - Thanks!)

Also a 1st for July - My 1st Workshop, hosted by my friend Katie. We did this on July 22nd and even though we had a bit of a bumpy start with many late arrivals and a forgotten step (on my part) everything ended well. For this workshop we only did 1 Make & Take - another "Pick Your Occasion" card (they are just so versital) with the July Special Reason To Smile stamp set. We used colors from both the 2011-2013 & 2012-2014 In Colors. And here is what we got from people unleashing their creative sides:
I made a Reason To Smile Sample Card
The Reason To Smile Make & Takes!

Outside of my workshop and open house I have been busy at work trying to organize myself. I was going to add a picture of that but its not quite organized anymore (had house guest staying in the craft room.)

And of course I have been busy encouraging all my friends and family to find their creative side with me as their "creative coach!!!"

Let's hope the next 2 months go as good as the last. No scratch that, let's hope they go better! And I'll try my darnest to keep better updates too :)

1 comment:

  1. Wooohoooo! Congrats on the first official post! Great pics!
