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Bob? Who’s that? And why Bob? 

Crafty Bob is me, Angela. It’s a silly nickname that came about in high school and stuck! Its fun and playful, just like I hope my crafty journey is!

And now tell us about Angela -

And what’s this about a journey?

I had been doing a lot of planning for a wedding For 7, at times long, months my world was wedding planning. Day in and day out it was wedding prep, including a lot of DIY projects. And then it happened, we got married! When the wedding work was over and done with I started itching to find new projects to plan and do. I had found the wonderful world of paper-crafting not too long before getting engaged. All the card making and such had to take a back seat for a bit, but now that I have the time and love projects I decided let’s jump in head first and have some fun! With the help of my SU demonstrator I decided I was going to become a Stampin’ Up consultant. This is a new journey for me, and I am glad you’ve made it this far. Stay along for the ride and let’s see where this venture takes me!